Membership Benefits

Our Purpose

  1. To provide a forum for communication and collaboration among leaders in professional practice within the healthcare industry.
  2. To promote the development of new knowledge in professional practice.
  3. To promote excellence in professional practice.

Our Responsibilities

  1. Identify opportunities to collaborate on policy and process development, educational initiatives, and research endeavors.
  2. Collaborate with regulatory bodies to facilitate the implementation of regulatory and quality assurance requirements within health practice settings.
  3. Promote and sustain practice development by supporting practice networking and professional activities.
  4. Identify barriers to interdisciplinary care delivery and healthy practice environments and strategize on how best to overcome these.

Our Membership

Membership organizations consist of healthcare organizations from all areas of Ontario as well as various Professional groups and Regulatory Colleges. Participants reflect a variety of professions, with experience ranging from senior level to staff line roles all with a specific accountability/ focus on professional practice-related initiatives.


The PPNO meets quarterly on the first Friday in September, December, and March and concludes with the Annual General Meeting in June. Meetings are scheduled for the entire day (e.g. 0900 –1500) in order to allow ample opportunity for networking and dialogue on issues pertaining to Professional Practice. Meetings are hosted by various PPNO member organizations with every attempt made to hold meetings in a variety of geographic locations within Ontario.

Ongoing Virtual Networking and Collaboration

Networking and information sharing between meetings is facilitated through the use of an electronic List Serve where PPNO members may post questions to their colleagues. This enables active participation in PPNO and access to the full range of PPNO members despite geographical distances.

Membership Fees and Services

Membership fees are $200.00 for each membership year: July 1st to June 30th

Membership is open to any healthcare organization, regulatory college, professional association, or individual practitioner directly involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of professional practice initiatives within the various healthcare sectors, domains of practice, and practice settings.

Membership with the PPNO is $200.00 per year and is viewed as an “organizational membership”, with one person identified as the primary contact. To enhance communication of PPNO-related information within each organization, there is an additional membership category of nonvoting affiliates to be registered at a $25.00 fee (max of 5 per organization). The “affiliate” can actively participate on the list serve and attend any PPNO meetings. The PPNO organizational primary contact is encouraged to freely distribute information to colleagues /departments/ programs within their organizations (e.g. meeting notices, resources, list serve queries/ requests). This enables each organization to obtain maximum value from your PPNO membership.

Voting member

The identified contact person within the organization will have voting privileges within the PPNO.

Membership within the PPNO includes the following:

  1. Attendance at all PPNO meetings free of charge
  2. Access to the electronic “List Serve” which enables PPNO members to ask for help/ share information between meetings.
  3. Opportunity to network with professional practice colleagues in an informal setting and through the “virtual network”.
  4. Opportunity for the primary member to freely distribute information to colleagues /departments/ programs within their organizations (e.g. meeting notices, resources, listserve queries/ requests).